Saturday, January 7, 2012

Jogging day

I started jogging again after June 2011. As age is catching up, I have seen many of my friends start suffering all kinds of modern illness. Even though most are highly educated but not many are willing to make small investment towards their health and only to realise later that it takes too much to put things right.

For those who are above 40, it is advisable that they do medical check-up regularly. Most hospitals have these facilities and some companies pay for their executives to go for the check-ups. Let’s not worry what is the outcome of the test but... where to go from there.

For me, healthy body comes from both balanced physical and mental state. Good mental health comes from having strong sense of purpose and upholding good values but good physical health have to come from good exercise and good food, nothing else....

Nice roast lamb served on new year eve
I am lucky to have a wife who is a good cook. [I love her carrot cake best] With the TV and Internet, nowadays I can have all the good meals from all over the world. Recipes by Jamie Oliver, Chef Wan and Nigella Lawson are served on the dinner table once in a while (actually rather regular lately). I personally don’t encourage anyone to eat all the fast food and processed food since most contain chemicals, which are not required by human body and can be harmful as well. Eating a balanced diet including fresh greens and fruits are key to good healthy body. One should not spend so much money on vitamins and supplements that are not only costly but the results are also questionable. Spend the money on fresh fruits instead.

Coaching Umar in the gym
Physical body needs regular exercise. Our heart, bones, muscles and joints need to have a good exercise. Sweating is good for your heart and lowering cholesterol. A good workout will make you feel fresh. Regular physical exercise such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling and swimming are simple and don’t cost a bomb. But the key thing is regular.

Some tips
1.     Do a medical check up. Find out what is wrong with your body and from there, plan how to treat your body back to good health.
2.     Check how much weight you need to shed. Go to to check your BMI.
3.      Start simple exercise daily and go for a brisk walking/jogging/swimming every week. Make some time and bring your family and friends for support.

Life is short and the world is beautiful…make some time to enjoy it….Cheers!!!

First time blogging

Me and my wife, Nana at Berjaya Beach Resort, Tioman, March 2011
Jan 7, 2012...Hari ini dalam sejarah.... This is my first attempt to blog. It is just for my personal pleasure. I just want to pen down my life experiences...that's about all.

Not very sure how long I can continue blogging however I will try to make this blog as interesting as I could...