Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Dive, dive and more diving....2013 year of diving !!!

Me and Zaide...behind is Black Pearl LOB
It has been an incredible year for diving…I have now been transformed from a novice to an experienced diver…it was a very satisfying year for diving. Now I am hooked on diving and can appreciate why some divers go to many far and remote sites just looking for one special thing. Satisfaction...pure satisfaction...puas hati tengok dengan mata sendiri...Along the way I also got myself hooked in underwater photography and videography. I have captured some beautiful photos and videos and now make a point to capture as many beautiful underwater creatures and sceneries…before they are gone forever….

At Gili Air, Lombok
At the final count, I logged in 35 dives this year and to date I have logged in a total of 51 dives. Quite impressive ehh!!! Despite my hectic work schedules and family commitment, I managed to squeeze in the time for this enriching and satisfying experience. Starting in Gili Air in February, Tioman (Jun), Perhentian (Jun), Mataking/Sipadan (Oct), Sibuan (Nov) and finally in Krabi in December.  What a year!!! Along the way I met new friends whose friendship had also enriched me further as a diver. By now I have done boat dive, shore dive, giant leap and live abroad; practically all diving styles…various depths, visibility, groups etc. 

Even though I was certified as an Advanced Open Water Diver in September 2012, my diving skills only improved in 2013 after my dives in Lombok and Tioman. I managed to master the buoyancy skill....one of the most important skills in diving.  Now my buoyancy and breathing have improved so much that even my instructor Linn is very impressed with me....lega, sekarang tak payah lari dari Linn lagi...hihi. Along the way I have accumulated a complete diving gears and a set of underwater camera. I got myself an Aqualung regulator and a Zeagle BCD. 

Zeagle BCD
Even though they are not the most expensive items but they are really good especially the BCD. Thanks Man BD and Linn for your recommendation!!! I also bought a Canon G1X compact camera and the underwater housing, however the camera unfortunately cannot do macro photography but is excellent in taking photos and videos. I shot this video when I was diving in Sibuan in Nov.  A Beautiful Day In Sibuan I wanted to do macro photography but need to get a new camera...maybe this time round I have to consider something better...how about a DSLR???
Orange Divers
I also started a dive group in TM. We are called Orange Divers. With the help from Roznee, we managed to get five guys from TM to get the OWD in September 2013. Congratulations to Jamal, Bashir, Diana, Hasrie and Safuan. Next March; Asmadi, Zaidi and Hamidon will go for their certification. These guys will also be trained by the Urban Island Divers (UID) instructors. I hope more TM guys will join this group. 

Man BD and Linn are the soul of UID whilst Man Kecik, Jimi and Kamil are the ones who manage the
Frog fish in Sibuan
base…. I am very comfortable with all of them. Apart from being friendly, they really look after your safety and comfort. They are not imposing but always teach us by sharing their knowledge. That’s why I like them. I learned a lot that way…(I hate those who are very strict on the rules and always raised their voice just because they know a bit more)…

Mataking Buddies
Of all the dive sites that I have been to, Sipadan is the best followed by Gili Air, Sibuan and Mataking…the rest are okay but Krabi local islands is not recommended. What sadden me is the fact that I am seeing the corals and fishes dying due to many factors but the biggest are due to global warming and human irresponsible activities. I don’t know how long the corals will last but I want to see them with my own eyes; photograph and video the marine lives before they are gone forever.
The Baldies
On the diving trip, my usual dive buddies are Man BD, Linn, Roznee, Shahrina, Anne and Ejoi. Others are Effi, Khalili and Min. Since all of us are also certified at UID making us “click” well with each other easily. I am more relax when diving with my buddies and love to dive with them whenever possible. We look after each other during the dive … sometimes I was left behind by the group when I started shooting video (I have to focus on the camera screen maa..), but Ejoi or Shahrina will normally stay close to me… 

Divers at Sha's wedding
However the single ones are getting married one by one and soon I will have to find new buddies to dive with me. The two dive buddies that know me well underwater are Shahrina and Ejoi but Shahrina has just recently got married. I think the Mataking/Sipadan trip last October will be her last dive trip before the next one, if any. Thank you Sha for being a good buddy.
I have planned a few dive trips in 2014 beginning with Perhentian in March (check out dive for 2014) to be followed by Komodo in April. I have also promised the Orange Divers gang to dive with them in Tioman sometime in May or June. We have yet to set the date.
Till the next blog….good bye 2013…a very fulfilling, enriching and memorable year. Lastly, I would like to thank my wife for being very “supportive” on my newly acquired hobby…. Thank you darling….

Bye for now....

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